Mrs. Marisa Oste » Home


Hi!  I'm Mrs Oste and welcome to my class!   The 2021-22 school year will be an exciting time filled with new challenges.  I'm ready to make this the best year yet!  Please contact me at [email protected]


Skip Counting is Fun!

First Grade Homework:  Students need to spend a lot of time skip counting for practice this week. There are many videos linked to this Google Slide presentation the students can watch.

Collaborating on our Earth Day murals

Fridays are great days to make a mess! Today we are practicing our teamwork and painting beautiful murals to decorate the school for Earth Day.

Earth Day 2016

HOMEWORK (FIRST AND SECOND GRADE): Happy Earth Day Everyone!  For Earth Day, watch this video and see some of the problems that humans are causing for our Earth.  Write a pledge (a promise) and list 3 things you can do to help to solve some of these problems.  They can not be things you are already doing - they must be three new things you will begin to do.
We are in the first stage of the writing process, researching and planning a paragraph to explain how Jacques Costeau transformed oceanography.  Stay tuned for more!