School Profile
Birney Tech Academy is one of eight elementary schools within the El Rancho Unified School District. We serve approximately four hundred and seventy students from Transitional kindergarten to fifth grade, with a teacher staff of twenty. Ninety-eight percent of our students are Hispanic.
Our school has a comprehensive School Safety Plan which includes procedures for disaster drills, crime reporting, medication administration, child abuse reporting, school-wide dress codes, and rules and procedures for school discipline. To ensure safety, our campus operates under a "Closed Campus Policy".
Our school has several services to support and assist students:
Project Base Learning (PBL), Accelerated Reader (AR), Response to Intervention (RTI), Student Study Team (SST), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Character Counts, Special Education Services, Digital Learning and Technology Integration, Extended Day Programs, and parent support groups: Dad's Club, PTO, Smart Schools.
Our campus was constructed in 1951. We have a multipurpose room that serves as the cafeteria and auditorium. We have three playground yards: preschool/kindergarten, primary, and upper grades. We have a very large field that includes three baseball diamonds. Our library houses more than 4,500 books and includes a collaboration and study center. There are Chromebook carts for every grade level, and all classes have internet access. We also have a computer lab with access to PC and Apple lap tops. All facilities have handicapped access, including the stage in our multipurpose room. All classrooms have been modernized and are air‐conditioned. All bathrooms, including staff, are upgraded and meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) code.
More information can be found under the School Accountability Report Card (SARC).