Spelling Words Week of 5-14-18 C-26 chief field neighbor weight ceiling carriage airplane trivia claim tail goalie nailed waiting said niece written island wrong millionaire believe
Spelling Words Week of 5-7-18 ladybug barnyard cardboard passport underline keyboard everyone hallway dragonfly quicksand jigsaw doorbell seafood highway popcorn quickly careful fearless whellbarrow sandcastle
Spelling Words week of 4-30-18 C-24 knight gnaw doubt thumb wrong sign knock climb crumb island aisle sword whole written often dishonest rewind unknown raspberry knowledge
Spelling Words Week of 4/23/18 slowly powerful fearless useful truthful quickly painless friendly wonderful sadly thankful careful happily flawless calmly author vinegar inventor meaningful peaceful
Spelling Words Week of 4-9-18 C-21 swimmer teacher author sailor worker dollar nectar visitor clever horror humor singer mayor vinegar inventor haven't they're would've refrigerator caterpillar
Speling Words Week of 3/19/18 C-19 I'd I'm I've isn't aren't let's what's how's haven't hasn't where's we'll couldn't shouldn't would've motion thought position weren't doesn't
Week of 3/12/18 C-18 plants batteries valleys coaches babies countries bakeries movies highways trays boxes cherries matches glasses beaches bridge arrange courage tomatoes chimneys
Spelling Words Week of 3/5/18 path social whale shimmer thought who what when where why motion ashamed shelter throat position ticket second ache delicious threatened
Spelling Words Week of 2-26-18 orange nature judge large catch stretch capture culture porch courage postage checkers arrange jacket bridge whose dessert supper furniture imaginary
Spelling List C-14 Week of 2-13-18 dessert desert lose loose its it's then than who's whose super supper are our hour
Spelling Words Week of 2-5-18 ant aunt there their they're brake break your you're beat beet sail sale bare bear
Spelling Words Week of 1-29-18 studying joking served dropped exciting noticing cared beginning dripping changed stopped walking sleeping acting trying address errand collect decorating prepared
Week of 1/8/18 Spelling Words golfer felt farmer full feelings family cough enough roof rough forgetful fashion photograph tough phrase noise destroy voice paragraph difference
October 16th Weekly Spelling Words cared babies chopped saving carried fixing hurried joking grinning smiled wrapped parties making stopped moving libraries
Week #4 Spelling Words 1. smoke 2. huge 3. save 4. life 5. wide 6.come 7. mine 8. grade 9. smile 10. note 11. cube 12. love 13. side 14. hope Challenge Words 15. escape 16. slope